Case Studies

Pure Plank

Challenge: They had a single product with no upsells or cross-sells, and no email system in place.

What we did: We built a complete email retention system with automated flows for each customer journey stage. We optimized content, subject lines, send times, and the overall strategy. We executed a data-driven campaign strategy with real-time segmentation.

The Results: Within 60 days of launch, their email revenue increased by $100,000. Revenue per recipient rose from $1.46 to $3.77. This is an ongoing case study, and we continue working to increase their Klaviyo email marketing revenue without relying on paid Facebook ads.


Challenge: The brand generates 6 figures a month so every method we deployed had to be calculated, as one slip up can have a significant impact in revenue for the worse.

What we did: The first thing we did was audit all the current flows within the account. All flows were optimized and cleaned up. We created several segments within their email lists in order to prevent poor deliverability as well as cleaning up the email lists. After that we proceeded to add multiple advanced Klaviyo automations that are custom to this client to increase back-end automated revenue. Finally, we implemented an aggressive email campaign strategy based on real time segmenting.

The Results: After working with us for 4 months, we added $75,746 of revenue to JUST their email marketing side of things.


Challenge: Their flows were unrefined and not well optimized, they were operating at 10% email attributed revenue and they didn't have consistency in highly optimized email campaigns.

What we did: We revamped the entire email flow system, designing it for better performance. We crafted persuasive copy that connected with the target audience and focused on connecting with the target audience and boosting revenue.

The Results: In 3 months, we boosted their email revenue by 60%. Their flows generated over double the previous revenue, and combined with email campaigns, they saw a 50% overall increase. Their percentage of revenue from emails rose from 10% to 15%, a 50% improvement.

Heimdalls Workshop

The Challenge: High ticket product, no paid ads to work with for inbound traffic emails, an unorganized back-end.

What we did: The first thing we had to do was implement an organic traffic generating strategy wherein we could make sure there was traffic and emails coming to the website in order to build a large email/sms database. We had to make it count as generally organic traffic comes in at less volume and frequency as paid ads. We consulted them on exactly what channels and modes to use for organic traffic and made sure that we had at-least an opt-in rate of 14% to get as many leads as possible.

The Results: With absolutely no significant increase in paid advertisement we were able to add around $200,000 in revenue within a year to the brand

Jewels by Sunaina

Challenge: When they came to us, they came with the same issues as other clients we have; paid ads were just no longer effective for them.

Additionally, their email pop-ups had an opt-in rate of less than 1% and they had no flow revenue whatsoever.

What we did: First we had to consult them and help them implement a traffic strategy to increase inbound leads and email capture. We helped them build a funnel from A-Z, one of which included multiple formats of an influencer giveaway funnel. After that, we tested multiple opt- in forms on both mobile & desktop to ensure we could bring their email list back to life. Simultaneously, we worked at building out their flows and backend within Klaviyo.

The Results: Within a week of working with us we brought their opt- in rate on their primary capture form to 10% and their flow revenue from 0-13% overnight.